Thursday, 19 March 2020

Goa Resorts, Thе Еntеrtаinmеnt Сitу Оf Indiа, Nееdѕ Nо Ѕресiаl Introduction.

Goa Resorts

Goa resorts, thе еntеrtаinmеnt сitу оf Indiа, nееdѕ nо ѕресiаl introduction. Thinking аbоut the tinу ѕtаtе, whаt immеdiаtеlу соmеѕ tо thе mind iѕ thе vast ѕtrеtсh of fаmоuѕ Goan bеасhеѕ аnd thе lavish раrtiеѕ hosted bу еxоtiс resorts.
Gоа! Thе sun kiѕѕеd lаnd on the Western соаѕt оf Indiа iѕ a paradise оf ѕоrtѕ fоr Indiаnѕ аnd fоrеignеrѕ аlikе. Gо Gоа is a common tеrm amongst youngsters whо оftеn flосk tо thе state fоr its bеаutiful bеасhеѕ, intеrnаtiоnаl muѕiс fеѕtivаlѕ аnd cheap booze. Hаving bееn a Portuguese соlоnу, one саn еаѕilу ѕее the influence in the culture аnd аrсhitесturе оf Gоа. Though ѕimрlу соnѕidеrеd to bе a раrtу place, Gоа hаѕ a lоt more tо it than juѕt рlаin simple rаvеѕ, it is аlѕо a реасеful retreat for people in ѕеаrсh of ѕоmе ѕеrеnitу аnd bliѕѕ, реорlе who juѕt want a brеаk frоm thеir ѕtrеѕѕful livеѕ, ѕit bасk аnd саtсh a brеаthеr.
Thе Lееlа Gоа
Staying at Thе Lееlа hаѕ just оnе drаwbасk. It might pamper уоu ѕо much thаt you may never want tо gо back hоmе again! With its vеrу own golf соurѕе, tеnniѕ court, роttеrу сlаѕѕеѕ аnd spa whо’ѕ tо blаmе уоu tоо. This 5 ѕtаr hotel аlѕо hаѕ its vеrу оwn full-ѕеrviсе ѕра, in whiсh оnе саn rесuреrаtе аftеr a dау оf hаrd swimming аnd wаlking at thе hоtеl’ѕ own рrivаtе beach аnd numеrоuѕ рооlѕ, followed by a hеаrtу mеаl at any one оf thе 4 rеѕtаurаntѕ оf thе rеѕоrt whiсh you саn finally tор off with a lаttе frоm thе café. Thе rооmѕ too аrе еԛuаllу comfortable аnd сlаѕѕilу furnished. It iѕ THE рlасе for a relaxing vacation
  • Addrеѕѕ: Mobor Cаvеlоѕѕim, Cavelossim, 403 731
  • Cоѕt реr реrѕоn: Starts from INR 10,450/-
  • Nearby attractions: Cavelossim Beach, Varca Beach, Vаddi Beach, Maria Hаll, Sernabatim Bеасh
  • Most Effective Places in Goa Resorts.
Thе LаLiT Gоlf & Sра Rеѕоrt Gоа
Thiѕ 5 star rеѕоrt lеаvеѕ оnе gаѕрing fоr brеаth with itѕ ѕрrаwling аrеа and beautiful lаndѕсаре. It bоаѕtѕ оf outdoor pools, ѕра, hеаlth club and even a рrivаtе bеасh. Thе luxuriоuѕ rооmѕ come attached with рrivаtе balconies аnd аrе fullу furniѕhеd with аll аmеnitiеѕ. Thе rеѕоrt has a huge 18-hоlе golf соurѕе аnd a full-ѕеrviсе spa whiсh helps in furthеr relaxation аnd unwinding. Thе hotel also hаѕ a vаriеtу of cuisines аt thеir four rеѕtаurаntѕ аnd rооm service iѕ also аvаilаblе all 24 hоurѕ.
  • Addrеѕѕ: Rajbaga Canacona, Canacona, 403702
  • Cost per реrѕоn: Stаrtѕ from INR 6000/-
  • Nеаrbу аttrасtiоnѕ: Rajbag Bеасh, Pаtnеm Beach, Cоlоmb Beach, Pаlоlеm Bеасh, Cоtigао Wildlife Sаnсtuаrу
Gоа Marriott Rеѕоrt & Sра
The luxurious 5-star Marriott has an enviable lосаtiоn, with itѕ сlоѕе рrоximitу tо Panaji, thе сарitаl оf Gоа. It boasts оf 180 air соnditiоnеd rооmѕ with bаthrооmѕ thаt hаvе bathtubs for a ѕuреr luxuriоuѕ bath and locked safes and dеѕkѕ fоr total security. Outside, guests саn choose tо tаkе a рlungе in thе infinitу pool or аnу оf the bеасhеѕ nearby оr thе fitness frеаkѕ саn sweat it оut in thе 24-hоur fitnеѕѕ сеntеr or juѕt сhill out in the Quаn ѕра. Aftеrwаrdѕ оnе саn go аnd gorge оut in аnу of the 4 fabulous restaurants of the rеѕоrt. One mаjоr аttrасtiоn is also the Cаѕinо in the rеѕоrt where аll guеѕtѕ саn trу out their luck
  • Addrеѕѕ: Mirаmаr Bеасh, Panaji, 403001
  • Cоѕt реr реrѕоn: Starts frоm INR 9000/-
  • Nеаrbу аttrасtiоnѕ: Mirаmаr bеасh, Reis Mаgоѕ Fort, Kala асаdеmу, Gоа ѕtаtе muѕеum, Our Lаdу of thе Immасulаtе Cоnсерtiоn Church
Nоvоtеl Gоа Shrеm Resort
Thе Nоvоtеl саrеѕ a lоt аbоut сuѕtоmеr саrе аnd соmfоrt аnd thаt shows in thеir styling аnd complimentary amenities. Thе 5 ѕtаr resort рrоvidеѕ free wifi tо itѕ guests аnd hаѕ a vеrу рорulаr ѕра & salon which оffеrѕ thе Turkiѕh Hamam Bath. Tо keep уоu оссuрiеd, the rеѕоrt iѕ еԛuiрреd with аn оutdооr pool, a ѕроrtѕ сеntrе аnd even itѕ оwn bеасh ѕhасk & rеѕtаurаnt whеrе уоu саn have a snack whilе tаking in thе bеаutiful view. Aраrt frоm that thе hоtеl hаѕ itѕ restaurant and 24 hоur rооm ѕеrviсе for your midnight munсhiеѕ.
  • Address: Annа Wаddо, Mаin Cаndоlim Rоаd, Bаrdеz, Cаndоlim, 403515
  • Cоѕt per реrѕоn: Stаrtѕ from INR 5700/-
  • Nearby аttrасtiоnѕ: St. Anthony’s Chареl, St. Alеx Churсh, Candolim bеасh, Calangute mаrkеt, Cаlаngutе bеасh
Thе O Rеѕоrt & Spa
Onе thing that саtсhеѕ уоur еуе in thе hotel iѕ thе mаgnifiсеnt view from the rooms. It dеfinitеlу helps in сhееring you up furthеr whеn уоu gеt uр frоm a ѕоund sleep соurtеѕу thе
mеmоrу fоаm beds thе well-furnished rооmѕ are еԛuiрреd with. A рrivаtе beach, health сlub, outdoor рооlѕ аnd ѕtеаm rооm are thеrе to kеер уоu оссuрiеd during thе day. Thе O ѕра hаѕ 3 trеаtmеnt rooms whеrе a vаriеtу оf therapies аrе рrоvidеd. Othеr rесrеаtiоnаl amenities include thе casino аnd the 3 rеѕtаurаntѕ, еасh specializing in different сuiѕinеѕ. Thе O iѕ indeed a grеаt delight!
  • Addrеѕѕ: S.Nо. 114/1, Dando, Bаrdеz, Cаndоlim, 403515
  • Cоѕt реr person: Stаrtѕ frоm INR 4750/-
  • Nеаrbу аttrасtiоnѕ: St. Anthоnу’ѕ Chареl, St. Alеx Churсh, Cаndоlim beach, Cаlаngutе mаrkеt, Cаlаngutе bеасh
Lеmоn Trее Amаrаntе Beach Resort
The 4-ѕtаr resort iѕ vеrу сlоѕе tо the bеасh аnd thus offering a wide rаngе оf water асtivitiеѕ. Thе rooms соmе еԛuiрреd with mоdеrn fасilitiеѕ аnd аrе artfully dоnе. Wifi connectivity iѕ frее аnd so iѕ раrking. Thе resort has an оutdооr pool, сhildrеn’ѕ рооl, a spa, hеаlth сlub and fitness сеntеr. Fоr fооdiеѕ thеrе аrе 2 restaurants, a café, рооlѕidе bаr and a swim-up bаr tо dесidе frоm.
  • Address: Vаdi Cаndоlim Bardez Goa, Cаndоlim, 403515
  • Cоѕt реr реrѕоn: Starts frоm INR 5598/-
  • Nеаrbу attractions: Candolim bеасh, Sinԛuеrim beach, Fort Aguаdа, St. Anthоnу’ѕ Chapel, Aguada Lighthоuѕе
Park Hуаtt Goa Rеѕоrt & Sра
Boasting a mammoth 249 rооmѕ with furniѕhеd bаlсоniеѕ or раtiоѕ, designer tоilеtriеѕ аnd free wifi, thе Pаrk Hуаtt is like thе реrfесt Oаѕiѕ fоr a weary desert traveler. It hаѕ ԛuitе a fеw nоvеltiеѕ likе India’s lаrgеѕt lagoon-style рооl and the аwаrd winning Sereno Sра. Fоr the fitnеѕѕ frеаkѕ thе раrkѕ maintains outdoor рооlѕ, heath сlub, fitness сеntеr, tеnniѕ соurt and a running раth. Alѕо to keep the kids engaged thеrе iѕ a games rооm where thеу can bе kерt buѕу in video games, аrtѕ & сrаftѕ аnd outdoor ѕроrtѕ.
  • Addrеѕѕ: Arrossim Bеасh, Cаnѕаulim, 403712
  • Cоѕt реr реrѕоn: Starts frоm INR 9000/-
  • Nеаrbу аttrасtiоnѕ: Arоѕѕim bеасh, Cаnѕаulim bеасh, Gоnѕuа beach, Sunѕеt bеасh, Verna Induѕtriаl Eѕtаtе.
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Thursday, 30 January 2020

Best Tourist Places In India

Tourist places in India
India is a large country with many tourist destinations, a wonderful opportunity for tourism and deliciously promising. From north to south and from east to west, India is packed with museums and many interesting tourist places to visit, to see, to observe, explore and enjoy. Northern part of India is very worthy and under to catch the attention of tourists and tourists from around the world plenty of attractions and destination. Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Ladakh, Srinagar, etc are fantastic places in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The AGRA in Uttar Pradesh, India, the city is home to the famous buildings in the world, the Taj Mahal – one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Varanasi is a popular tourist destination with temples, ancient charm and religious significance. all are Tourist places in india
Fatehpur Sikri, Ranthambhore National Park, Corbett National Park, Haridwar, Shimla, Manali, Kullu, Ranikhet, Dehradun, Nainital, Delhi, etc are popular tourist destinations in the northern part of the country. These objectives are frequently visited by tourists from around the world. Golden Triangle Desert Chardham tour,Amarnath Yatra and Vaishno Devi  are popular tourist districts in the northern part of the country. Travel in North India, and tourism is a great way to the rich cultural heritage monuments, verdant hill stations, rich flora and fauna resources, and many more, enjoy more and more. Varanasi, Pushkar, Haridwar, Ajmer, and Rishikesh his famous pilgrimage sites in the northern part of the country. This pilgrimage centers are also popular to watch the tourists a spiritual journey during his visit to India.
Sundarbans National Park in West Bengal, Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar, Victoria Memorial in Calcutta (West Bengal), etc. are the main attractions of the eastern part of India. Northwestern part of the green earth, mountain areas, nature reserves and national parks, indigenous peoples and the only peace and quiet of India. Kaziranga National Park (famous for one-horned rhinos) and Manas Tiger Reserve is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in northern India. Northwestern part of the country is incredibly charming and engaging with numerous castles and monuments, rich legacy and heritage are architecturally beautiful. The northwestern region of the country, the Kuk Rajasthan offers. Rajasthan attracts tourists and tourists from around the world, because to visit in India has a very popular place. Mumbai, Goa, Aurangabad, Mumbai, etc are to visit the great places in western India. Goa is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India with its beautiful beaches, churches and monuments.
Travel in South India tourists to the beautiful Indian states like Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. These states are to provide the many attractions to its visitors. Kerala is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world with beaches, backwaters, lakes, hill stations, wildlife, flora and fauna, traditional villages, Ayurvedic resorts and salons, art and architecture, etc. In fact, every corner of India is full of tempting attractions and you will love to enjoy them all. But it seems impossible in one trip. Therefore, your trip to India in an organized manner with great travel package covers destinations from India plan of your choice.
If you think of India, often the only thing that prompts your mind is the Taj Mahal or the Himalayas. However, there is so much more to offer this enchanting country. Take a look at some of the lesser known tourist places in India. view all Tourist places in india
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Friday, 6 July 2018

Vizag Tourism- Vishakhapatnam Tourist Places

The major tourist interests of the Vizag tourism have been provided below with details.

Vizag tourism- Vishakhapatnam tourist places

Vizag often known as Visakhapatnam is a major tourist attraction due to wonderful ranges of hills, valleys, temples, caves and beaches. The city is located in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh and is lapped by cool beaches of Bay of Bengal on its eastern side. Travellers find this place truly majestic and exciting with enriching experience. It is generally regarded as one of the top growing sector in the continent. Other than picturesque view of nature, the city is enriched with native cultural heritages of ancient tradition that should not be missed. The major tourist interests of the Vizag tourism have been provided below with details.

Boro caves and Araku Valley

This is a beautiful and the oldest cave in the city that has been discovered by the British geologist William King in 1807. The cave extends at an elevation of 100 km horizontally and 75 kilometres vertically. This is the origin place of River Gosthani that is flowing through the nearby cities. You can watch beautiful landscapes, wild flowers of the deciduous forests. Compared to area coverage it is the largest cave in the country. The stalactites inside the cave due to water containing calcium bicarbonate flowing from the roof top, has formed many types of structures that the tourists had named. Human brain, shiv parvati, tiger are some of the stalagmites. The entry fee to this Cave is rupees forty for adults and thirty for child.

Araku Valley

It is an awesome valley situated at a distance of 100 kilometres from the city. Araku valley is another major attraction for the tourists due to the hilly terrain and the beautiful scenarios. The valley could be viewed very clearly when you are travelling by trains. Lush greeneries, majestic landscapes, hill peaks and valleys could be watch while travelling to Araku from Boro Caves. The train passes through many tunnels on the way to Borra Guhalu Railway station.


It is another interesting place to visit in Vizag tourism that offers beautiful sight as it enclosed by two beaches, Rishikonda and Ramakrishna on its left and hillock on its right. There are sculptures of lord Shiva and Parvati, due to which the hillock got its name, Kailashgiri (home of the deities). Several view points are there at the hilltop from where you can have mesmerizing view of the green surroundings and vast sea. Telescopic points, titanic view point, gliding base point, shanty Ashramare some of such points.

Submarine Museum

This is a poplar museum located on Ramakrishna Beach and is a unique one in the continent of Asia. It is also known as Smritika. It was previously a Russian built submarine that has been changed to this present submarine museum in the year 2001. A huge amount has been invested to bring the underwater marine to the shore by three great departments including Vishakhapatnam Port.

Rishikhonda Beach

It is the most beautiful beach in the region and is attracted not only by tourists but also nature lovers due to greeneries surrounding the beach. The Andhra Pradesh tourism has managed to construct beautiful restaurants and cottages along the beach with view of the sea. The sea beach offers some pleasurable activities such as wind surfing and water skiing and you would feel safe to swim along the shore. The tidal waves and the golden sand make the place a tourist favourite.
These are the major tourist places in the town. Varieties of home stays and hotels are there within your budget near every tourist spots. And you should never miss one delicious dish of the city found at a small village, Chaparai near Araku that is the Bamboo chicken. It is a unique dish prepared by the tribal culture and you should taste it once in your lifetime.

How To Reach

The nearby railway station is Vishakhapatnam and is well connected with major cities of India like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore etc. The Vishakhapatnam airport is 16 kilometre away from the city. The airport is connected to Indian cities and international cities such as Dubai and Singapore. Vizag is on the national highway 5 and both public and private transport system is available from Central India and South India.

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Friday, 23 March 2018

Black Sand Beach

Black Sand Beach

The beauty of a black sand beach stands off among other beaches around the globe. Baches can be of different colours like blue, pink, orange, yellow or the generic white but the colour black has a different beauty. The colour of the beach depends on the kind of sand it is made up with. Black sea beaches are formed with volcanic rock. Either they get eroded by the current of a flowing river and the sand gets deposited while meeting the ocean or the hot lava can get cooled and form black sea beach when it comes in contact with the sea water. When a river flows through the region of volcanic rocks, the pieces of black sand gets rounded by erosion and gets ground with other sediments on the way towards the ocean. The second scenario is when the hot molten lava flows down and comes in contact with the much colder water of the ocean. During this type, the lava explodes and forms small pieces of black chards. These chards are like pieces of broken glass, very sharp and shiny. With passing time, these chards will become more rounded with the ocean waves eroding them. They are jet black in colour and is glossy like glass.
Where can one find a This Beach? Hawaii is known to have stretches of black sea beaches. The pitch-black basalt rocks present an awestruck view of a black sand beach in the Waianapanapa State Park region in the island of Maui.
How was this black sand beach form? The Waianapanapa Black Sand Beach was formed by the Hawaiian volcano Haleakala or the East Maui Volcano. The hot molten lava from Haleakala flowed through the rough surface before getting cooled coming in contact with the sea. A millennium passed for the volcanic rocks to get grounded down into a black sand beach.
What does Waianapanapa black sand beach offers? According to the Hawaiian, Wai’anapanapa means “glistening water”. The Waianapanapa black sand beach is a part of the 120 tropical acres of Waianapanapa State Park. The pitch black granules of this private bay present a glittering dark and mysterious landscape. Cutting the stunning beauty, black sand gets hotter than those white ones and so these black sand beaches present a favourable spot for tanning and cooling off the tired feet. Apart from the beauty the black sand beach at Waianapanapa also holds a significant place in Hawaiian history. Various legends took rise when the heartbroken Queen of Hawaii took refuge in one of the sea caves here. So along with being beautiful, this black sand beach is also sacred. The place holds various stories of Hawaiian culture. The place provides a striking coastline filled with mysterious caves and unpredictable blowholes and all with a picturesque sea arch at the backdrop.
Where is this black sand beach located? Waianapanapa Black Sand Beach lies along the coast of Waianapanapa State Park. Off the Hana Highway, this black sand beach is on the outskirts of Hana.
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Friday, 9 March 2018

Elephant Island In Mumbai

Explore the Elephant Island in Mumbai

Mumbai is treated as one of the metro city of India which is located in the coastline of the country. The place had got various islands. The Gateway of India is one of the popular tourist spot which is located at the Mumbai Harbor. The island at the northeastern side of this tourist spot is covered with the temples which is made up of cut rocks. These are temples of Gharapuri, hence the island is named as Gharapuri Island. On the other hand, it is also known as place of caves or Pory Island. However this island is popular by the name of Elephanta Island which is treated as one of the heritage site across the world as certified by UNESCO.

The Bygones times of Elephanta Island

During the ancient times, the island was known as Gharapuri Island, however during the sixteenth century, the Explorers from Portugal were surprised to see the gigantic and massive sculpture made up of dark grained volcanic rocks which resembles the structure of an elephant which was found near the entrance and hence, they had named this island as Elephanta Island. The Portuguese explorer had tried to take the sculpture back to their home, however had failed to carry because of their weaker chains and had to drop the sculpture in the mid of the sea. Later the British had shifted the sculpture to the Victoria and Albert museum which is formerly known as Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum which is located in Mumbai.

The Book is the best Guide ever

Once you land on this Island, you would meet with various Guides, however, personally I feelthem as pushy and too much expensive. Sometimes their stories might also affect the real history as well. However, if you wish to explore and know the truth then you may refer to the book named as “A guide to the Elephanta Caves” which is written and narrated by Pramod Chandra which is available for sale now. Hope that would suffice your requirements and can gather sufficient knowledge about the place.

Reach the Island

There are Launches available which starts from the Gateway of India and heads towards Gharapuri at an interval of half an hour. This transportation is available on and from 9:00 am in the morning to 3:30 pm in the evening. Visit the Booths which are lined at Apollo Bunder to buy tickets. The total time, the voyage takes to reach the island is almost an hour.
The Ferries are moored ultimately at the corners of a solid jetty. Once you board down from the launch you need to walk down to the stairway which would lead you to reach the caves with an admission fee of Rs10 approximately. However there are miniature trains available with a ticket fare of approx. Rs 10 thatwould also help you to reach, if you deny to walk.
While you are walking towards the temple you would get to see various stalls that are lined up along the sides of the road to sell various trivial items and you would be escorted by the annoying monkeys.
Explore the Elephanta Island for its beautiful sculpture and while you go, remember to wear good shoes as you might come up with adventurous trekking routes.

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Thursday, 1 March 2018

Sirmaur Tourism And Things Which Are A Must-See

Sirmaur Tourism and things which are a must-see

Sirmaur is a place in Himachal Pradesh. It is a pride in the South Eastern corner of the state. Sirmaur has been known for quite a long time now for its unique place of pilgrimage and the legends that surround those places. Sirmaur tourism boasts of the following places:-


Nahan, was established by Raja Karam Parkash in 1621 AD. It is by and by the region headquarter of this area. It is situated at a height of 932 metres from the ocean level. It enjoys a pleasant climate almost all through the year. It has a few acclaimed sanctuaries and tanks which add considerably to its fascination. It has an old palace just in the heart of the town which has its own importance and attracts the sightseers from outside the town.  It summons on all sides broad and beautiful views.   The town’s unique attractions incorporate its three flawless and desolate walks, charming view of the encompassing regions. Just below the royal residence is the lovely garden known as Ranital Bagh which is a stand-out amongst the most excellent spots of the town.  From the vacationer perspective, this town has its own importance having every single current enhancement with well outfitted rest houses and other private convenience in Sirmaur tourism.


The charming Churdhar mountain in Sirmaur tourism ltd is one of the Shivalik ranges at a stature of 11965 feet (it is the most elevated top in1southern Himachal Pradesh), Churdhar, normally known as Churichandni (Bangle of Snow), is honored with the absolute most tremendous and wonderful scenes in this area. The view from the summit grasps an immense display of marsh tracts towards the south and snow-topped extents, including the pinnacles of Badrinath and Kedarnath in the Garhwal district, towards the north. It is trusted this is the very place where Hanuman found the life-reestablishing Sanjivini booti, which resuscitated Lakshmana, Lord Rama’s more youthful sibling. Remains of an old town have been found at the adjacent Dundi Devi. An abundance of herbs and excellent elevated verdure cover these Himalayan slants. Strolling through the natural life asylum, one spots the fabulous monal, Himachal’s state fowl, alongside koklass and kaleej birds. The canine-toothed musk deer and the imperilled Himalayan mountain bear occupy the higher woods. One would find a deodar-roofed, single-storeyed, square sanctuary of Srigul ornamented with a lingam, devoted to Shiva underneath the summit. Travelers sing and move during the evening amid the Navratras reasonable in this old sanctuary. Trekkers tread over little icy masses on their way to the breeze blown Churdhar summit, which has direct to overwhelming snowfall (normal of 33 feet snow). Frequently the Srigul sanctuary gets covered under it. On an unmistakable radiant day, you can be remunerated with a perspective of the Badrinath and Kedarnath altars, Gangetic fields, the Sutlej waterway and slopes of Shimla and Chakrata.


The Jaitak slope is a verifiable place in the chronicles of Sirmour tourism area.  It was here that the essential fight was battled between the British powers and the Gurkhas.  Jaitak is the name connected to a pinnacle or rather two peaks.  About 19 km toward the north of Nahan, Jamta falls on the Nahan-Dadahu motorable road.  A climb of around 3 km must be arranged frame Jamta to pick up Jaitak.  A slope post one delegated the Jaitak slope which is a lofty edge of slate and which transcends the Kayarda Dun, 30-36′ north and 77-24′ east, in the Nahan tehsil. The height of the ocean level is around 1479 m. The fortification was built by Ranjor Singh Thapa,  the Gurkha pioneer when he assaulted and sacked Nahan in around 1810. A little villa is the main remainder of old Jaitak.  It orders a fine perspective of the Sain, Nahan and Dharthi hills.  The celebrated Jaitak Khel of Kanets gets its name from this town.


Haripur is the name connected to a mountain called Haripur Dhar. Roosted on a pinnacle of this slope like a quiet sentinel, a stronghold was based on this scope of the mountain by the leaders of recent Sirmour State. It was essentially intended to protect the state boondocks with the neighbouring Jubbal State as there was steady limit question between the two states and there was strange infringement into every others domain. It has fallen into neglect and the part which is as yet tenable is utilized by the Forest Department as forester’s home office. The fortification helps the guest to remember the chronicled period when to hold or catch such strongholds used to be the main point of the fighting slope states. Its fundamental fascination is the wild diversion in its region. Laying at a separation of around 106 km from Nahan it can be moved toward first by a standard transport benefit concealing 40 km to Dadahu wherefrom up to Andheri one can pass by a jeep for around 44 km. The rest of the bit of around 22 km, which is under development for a jeepable street, can be secured by walking or on horses. The following and less demanding approach to approach this place are from Solan through Rajgarh.  Kharotiyon, a place from where the site of the post stays around 2 km on the high slope top.

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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Rajasthani Holi Celebration

Rajasthani Holi celebration to look forward to

Rajasthani Holi celebration: Holi (also known as the “festival of colours”) is a basically a Hindu spring festival celebrated all over India. The festival basically signifies the victory of good over evil but basically, it’s a festive day to meet others, play and laugh also a way of repairing broken relationships.
The Holi festival in Rajasthan is altogether different because of the charms of Holi in Rajasthan is inescapable and its vibrancy unavoidable. Because Rajasthan itself is a state having a wide spectrum of colours, the festival of colours is a perfect occasion that matches the identity and character of Rajasthan.
The people of Rajasthan play Holi much the same way as that of Mathura. Here a night before the full moon, light huge of bonfires are burnt with huge crowd gathering of people the bonfires are burnt with the residual dried leaves and twigs of the winter with people throwing coloured water and powder known as gulal and kumkum in regional language at each other and making merry with singing, dancing and the traditional beats of dhol just adding an occasional regional flavour to the occasion.
On the auspicious day of Holi, even the royals of Rajasthan get mixed with the commoners. In fact, the mixing of royal courts all over North India just refined the festival into an art. Rajput warriors of the Rajasthani courts show off their skills during the festival turning the festival into an art. Even the members of the royal families are not spared from being drenched by the coloured and powder are known as gulal and kumkum.
In the honour of Lord Krishna, the Braj Festival people can be seen singing and performing the raslila which depicts the immortal love-story of Lordess Radha and Lord Krishna is held mainly in the month of March. The folk traditions have different unique like ‘mali’ or gardener community of Rajasthan ways of celebrating Holi having a unique style where the men colour the women of the folk with water and women retaliate the by hitting them with sticks or long pieces of cloth.

Gair at Godaji

(it’s a village near Ajmer region of Rajasthan) they celebrate a few days after the main days of Holi where men from 12 villages collect together to play Holi they also have a unique way of playing Holi where each villager brings his own drummer and their troupes the location for the celebration selected is a valley surrounded by hills on all sides so that the sound can get echoed thousands of onlookers gather to collect the memories and close to hundred players participate in the event making a wonderful sight and memory.

Dolchi Holi

(located in the Bikaner district it’s a community of ‘Harsh’ and ‘Vyas’).The Dolchi is celebrating there the way of celebrating Holi by throwing water with force at one another but the water is thrown only at the back of one another this unique way of celebration is more than 300 years now a specially designed vessel called ‘dolchi’ made from the skin of the camels are used for the purpose.
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